Creation of a Scientific and Educational it Cluster on the Basis of Modern Fundamental at the School of Mathematics and Mechanics Mathematics of SPbSU

  • Геннадий Алексеевич Леонов SPbSU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
  • Андрей Николаевич Терехов SPbSU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
  • Борис Асенович Новиков SPbSU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
  • Евгений Аврамович Крук SPbSU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia; HSE, Moscow, Russia
  • Вячеслав Михайлович Нестеров SPbSU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia; DELL EMC, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: keywords IT-industry, IT-education, educational standards, ties with industry, Departments of the School of Mathematics and Mechanics


In IT industry there is an acute lack of qualified staff and what is more important there is a lack not only of programmers who know one or two programming languages but of experts with professional mathematical skills who are experts in certain subject areas. In the Mathematics and Mechanics School we constantly and purposefully take structural and staff decisions to improve the quality of education in the area during the last 20 years. In the article the structure of the IT cluster formed on the basis of already existing and three new chairs is described. There is a description of these basic chairs, information about the lecturers and the correspondence to global educational standards. A certain chapter is devoted to relations with the industry in the IT field and the organization of student’s research projects. The authors hope that the experience of our faculty will be useful to other universities where IT technology is taught.

Author Biographies

Геннадий Алексеевич Леонов, SPbSU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Gennady A. Leonov: Professor, Dr. of Science, Member (corresponding) of Russian Academy of Science The Dean of Mathematics and Mechanics Faculty, SPbSU.

Андрей Николаевич Терехов, SPbSU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Andrey N. Terekhov: Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Science, Professor, Head of Systems Programming Department of SPbSU, General Director of LLC Lanit-Tercom company.

Борис Асенович Новиков, SPbSU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Boris A. Novikov: Professor, Dept. of Analytical Information Systems, SPbSU.

Евгений Аврамович Крук, SPbSU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia; HSE, Moscow, Russia

Eugine A. Kruk: Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Director of Moscow Electronics and Mathematic Tikhonov Institute Research University «Higher School of Economics»; Academic Professor of Research and Information Systems of SPbSU.

Вячеслав Михайлович Нестеров, SPbSU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia; DELL EMC, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Viacheslav M. Nesterov: Academic Professor of Research and Information Systems of SPbSU, General Director, Dell EMC Development Test Centre.


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How to Cite
Леонов, Г. А., Терехов, А. Н., Новиков, Б. А., Крук, Е. А., & Нестеров, В. М. (2017). Creation of a Scientific and Educational it Cluster on the Basis of Modern Fundamental at the School of Mathematics and Mechanics Mathematics of SPbSU. Computer Tools in Education, (2), 42-58. Retrieved from
Training of specialits: studying programms