Computer Tools in Education <p><strong>Brief history</strong><br>Computer Tools in Education journal (“Kompjuternye instrumenty v obrazovanii”) was founded at 1998 and was published on Russian language.<br>The significant contribution to coming-to-be of the journal was made by two great scientists. One of them - Svjatoslav S. Lavrov - was one of the founders of computer science in USSR. Another - Seymour Papert – create a LOGO language to study interaction between students and computers.<br>Areas of their activity determine the journal scope.</p> en-US <div align="center"> <p><a href="" rel="license"><img style="border-width: 0;" src="" alt="Creative Commons License"></a><br>This work is licensed under a <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>.</p> </div> (Поздняков С.Н. / Sergei N. Pozdniakov) (Посова А. А. / Anna A. Posova) Fri, 20 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 An Algorithm for Identifying the Maximal Common Subgraph in Oriented Graphs <p>Graph isomorphism checking is highly significant within both graph theory and its applications, particularly regarding oriented graph isomorphism, where identifying a bijection is an NP-hard problem.</p> <p>The problem of finding the maximal common subgraph between two oriented graphs represents a specific instance of predicate formula isomorphism, occurring when an elementary conjunction includes only a single binary predicate. Initially, the algorithm was developed to determine the maximal common subformula of two elementary conjunctions. This paper provides pseudocode for algorithms that extract the maximal common subgraph in oriented graphs, accompanied by an illustrative application example.</p> Zhou Juan Copyright (c) Fri, 20 Dec 2024 01:56:22 +0000 Leveraging Large Language Models for Textual Geotagging: A Novel Approach to Location Inference <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This study explores the application of Large Language Models (LLMs), particularly GPT-4o, to textual geotagging, introducing a novel dataset of tweets with geographical annotations. Using zero-shot and few-shot approaches, we demonstrate GPT-4o's ability to infer location from explicit and implicit textual references in tweets, achieving average errors as low as 43 km for explicit mentions. Our experiments reveal LLMs' robust geographical knowledge and adaptability to geotagging tasks with minimal context. The research also highlights LLMs' potential in advancing geographical inference from text, identifying challenges and effects of data quality, and opportunities for improving model performance on implicit references and noisy data.</span></p> Azamat Sultanov Copyright (c) Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical experiment of computational capabilities of modern chat-bots in solving problems in mathematical analysis and computational mathematics <p>The paper describes a numerical experiment on calculation of mathematical problems by chatbots (Yandex GPT 2, ChatGPT 3.5, Gemini, Copilot) on some topics of mathematical analysis (limits, derivatives, integrals), including 693 problems, and computational mathematics (solution of nonlinear equations, solution of systems of linear equations, interpolation of functions, numerical integration), consisting of 45 problems. The main characteristics of modern virtual assistants are considered. A review of research on the application of artificial intelligence in solving mathematical problems on various tests and data sets is presented.&nbsp; The paper considers the shortcomings manifested in the work of chatbots, analyzes their performance on specific data sets. A comparative analysis of the number of correctly solved problems in the considered systems is carried out. The main problems that can be encountered when solving computational mathematics problems in detail in each of the chatbots are discussed. This study may be of practical interest for researchers, developers, teachers and users who use these virtual assistants in their work. The conducted experiment will allow to better evaluate the effectiveness of the application of the considered systems in the field of mathematics.</p> Daria Vinokurova Copyright (c) Fri, 20 Dec 2024 01:37:09 +0000 A Feedback System for Assessing Human Condition Based on Keyboard Usage Activity <p>This paper proposes a model for assessing a person’s emotional state based on their interaction with a computer keyboard. The model integrates a feedback mechanism, which significantly improves the accuracy of predicting a person’s emotional states. Through systematic analysis of the dynamics of keyboard usage activity and observation of individual environmental factors, the proposed approach not only predicts the state of the keyboard user but also adapts to changes in their behavior. The results of testing the model using specially developed software confirmed its effectiveness. Feedback-based systems improve human interaction with intelligent systems, contribute to the development of intelligent systems and humans. The obtained results confirm the necessity and direction for improving the human-machine interface and serve as a basis for their future integration into more complex systems for assessing the psycho-physiological state of a person.</p> Ма Danting, Yulia Shichkina Copyright (c) Fri, 20 Dec 2024 01:44:25 +0000 On one approach to organizing rapid prototyping of robots under rigid constraints <p>The paper describes an approach to the rapid prototyping of ground-based group robotic systems by small teams of developers in a short time. Prototyping is carried out by sequentially constructing representations of various levels of abstraction. It is demonstrated that the main resource costs in the transition between these levels can be reduced by utilizing standard behavioral models of robots and applying libraries of typical software design solutions. Behavioral models based on the mechanism of meta-automata can use abstract implementations at the mathematical, simulation and physical levels to obtain quite practical and efficient solutions. ROS is used as the basic tool for developing control systems and conducting physical modeling on lower levels. The developed approach is demonstrated on the example of a transport problem solved by robots with the simplest sensors without global navigation.</p> Vitaly Vorobiev, Valery V. Karpov, Petr Sorokoumov, Valery E. Karpov Copyright (c) Fri, 20 Dec 2024 01:46:07 +0000