Computers as Novel Mathematical Reality. IV. Goldbach Problem

  • Nikolai Vavilov Saint Petersburg State University, 29, Line 14th, Vasilyevsky Island, 199178, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: Ternary Goldbach problem, binary Goldbach problem, Brun—Schnirelmann method, Schnirelmann constant, Hardy—Litllewood—Vinogradov method


In this part I pursue the discussion of the role of computers in additive number theroy. Here I sketch the definitive solution of the ternary = odd Goldbach problem, not in one of its XX century asymptotric reformulations, but in its original XVII century form. Namely, that every odd number n > 5 is a sum n = p1 + p2 + p3 of three positive rational primes. A solution of this problem was only completed by Harald Helfgott in 2013–2014 and there is no chance that it could be obtained without the use of computers. Apart from that, I discuss the status of the binary = even Goldbach problem, partial results towards its solution, as well as some further related proiblems.

Author Biography

Nikolai Vavilov, Saint Petersburg State University, 29, Line 14th, Vasilyevsky Island, 199178, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Dr. Sci., Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, SPbU,


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How to Cite
Vavilov, N. (2021). Computers as Novel Mathematical Reality. IV. Goldbach Problem. Computer Tools in Education, (4), 5-71.
Algorithmic mathematics and mathematical modelling