Overview of Modern Approaches to Visual Odometry

  • Mikhail A. Terekhov Saint Petersburg State University, 28, Universitetsky pr., 198504, Stary Peterhof, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: visual odometry, SLAM, autonomous navigation, ADAS, UAV


In this paper we describe the tasks of Visual Odometry and Simultaneous Localization and Mapping systems along with their main applications. Next, we list some approaches used by the scientific community to create such systems in different time periods. We then proceed to explain in detail the more recent method based on bundle adjustment and show some of its variations for different applications. At last, we overview present-day research directions in the field of visual odometry and briefly present our work.

Author Biography

Mikhail A. Terekhov, Saint Petersburg State University, 28, Universitetsky pr., 198504, Stary Peterhof, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Fourth year bachelor student, Mathematics and Mechanics faculty, Saint Petersburg State University, st054464@student.spbu.ru


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How to Cite
Terekhov, M. A. (2019). Overview of Modern Approaches to Visual Odometry. Computer Tools in Education, (3), 5-14. https://doi.org/10.32603/2071-2340-2019-3-5-14
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