Automated Content Development for a Massively Individualized Education in Physics and Chemistry

  • Сергей Владимирович Сычев ITMO University, Russia, Sanct-Petersburg
  • Александр Сергеевич Чирцов ITMO University, Russia, Sanct-Petersburg
Keywords: PhOOM, MOOC, ChemGenerator, physics, chemistry, individualized education, automated generation of test, standardized tasks, education automation


The article considers the base structure and mechanisms of developing science education constructors, particularly Physical Object Oriented Modeling (PhOOM) - the approach that makes it possible to create innumerable educational applications in natural sciences. Some examples of realization of this approach for physics and chemistry courses are mentioned. This approach is a variant of MOOC but has some specificity allowing deeply customize educational environment for a desired task. A further development of the approach is a system constructing advanced problems, based on a real time simulation, for advanced plasma physics courses. Generally speaking the approach based on PhOOM makes it possible to combine model demonstration, test problem creation and easy adjustment by inexperienced user in one easy manageable product or on-line service for the purpose of engineering an natural science education.

Author Biographies

Сергей Владимирович Сычев, ITMO University, Russia, Sanct-Petersburg

Sergey V. Sychov: PhD student, ITMO University

Александр Сергеевич Чирцов, ITMO University, Russia, Sanct-Petersburg

Alexandr S. Chirtsov: Doctor of Technical science, Professor, ITMO University


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How to Cite
Сычев, С. В., & Чирцов, А. С. (2017). Automated Content Development for a Massively Individualized Education in Physics and Chemistry. Computer Tools in Education, (1), 45-60. Retrieved from
Computers in the teaching process