Brief history

The  "Computer tools in education" journal was founded in 1998 as initiative of a group of professors from universities in St. Petersburg. It included famous scientists in the field of computer science and its applications: prof. E.I. Boutikov, known for his publications on computer modeling both in Russian and foreign editions (for example, in the American Journal of Physics, see http://butikov.faculty.); prof. N.K. Kosovskiy, an expert in mathematical logic, who had been a head of the Department of Informatics at St. Petersburg State University for many ars; Doctor of Physical and Mathematical sciences, professor, current member of Russian Academy of Sciences, prof. Yu.V. Matiyasevich, known for solving the 10th Hilbert's problem and currently working on the problems of automated theorem proving (; Doctor of Physical and Mathematical sciences, prof. I.V. Romanovsky, specialist in the field of discrete mathematics; Doctor of Physical and Mathematical sciences, prof. A.N. Terekhov, who heads both the Department of System Programming and the Research Institute of Information Technologies at St. Petersburg State University.
A great influence on the formation of the journal was made by the Doctor of Physical and Mathematical sciences, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, S.S. Lavrov, who was the head of work on calculating the launch of the first man into space and subsequently created the first programming department in St. Petersburg (Leningrad) (
A large role in the work of the journal is given to the problems of mastering mathematics through the use of computer tools. From 2000 until his death, the famous scientist in the field of teaching computer science, the author of the LOGO language, Seymour Paper (Professor of Learning Research Media Lab MIT) was  an active member of the Editorial Board and wrote a number of articles on teaching mathematics with a computer  (

The journal is the only journal in Russia that bases its concept on the instrumental approach to the study of the information learning environment. During 23 years of work, the journal has supported the publication of a number of important results in the field of computer science and information technology, the development of electronic teaching aids as tools that contribute to the development of cognitive and research activities.

In 2015, the editorial board of the journal was extended by famous foreign scientists who worked on developing computer tools and the mathematical methods underlying them: Stephen Watt (Canada), one of the creators of the Maple computer mathematics system; Stephen Wolfram (USA), the creator of the instrumental mathematical environment Wolfram Mathematica; Bruno Buchberger (Austria), the inventor of Gröbner bases, which have become an integral part of all systems of computer mathematics. The editorial board had also included scientists known for their fundamental results in the field of mathematical foundations of computer science: Dima Grigoriev (France), Directeur de recherches, CNRS, France; Mark Spivakovsky (France), Directeur de Recherche, CNRS and Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse; Alexander Tiskin (United Kingdom), ass. prof. at University of Warwick; Alkiviadis Akritas (Greece), prof. at The University of Thessaly. Also, the editoral board was extended by scientists in the field of educational sciences dealing with the problems of using computer tools in teaching mathematics and computer science: Sergei Abramovich (USA), prof. at The State University of New York (USA); and Andrej (Andy) Brodnik (Slovenia), prof. at University of Ljubljana and University of Primorska.