Requirements for the manuscripts

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1 Introduction

The editorial team of the CTE journal does not require the authors to strictly adhere to its recommendations regarding the volume and structure of the articles; what constitutes a priority for us is the adequacy of the content of the research. Nevertheless, we suggest that authors carefully consider our recommendations, hoping that adherence to them will help improve the quality of the articles and increase the number of readers and citations.

2 General Recommendations

2.1 Full Articles

Volume from 5 to 10 pages, not more than 7 figures, from 15 to 30 references.

Note: for some areas (primarily mathematics), the number of links may be reduced.

The editorial team strongly recommends writing original papers in the IMRaD format (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion). This is especially important for articles in English, or Russian-language articles, which may in the future be translated for publication in the English-language issue of the journal.

2.2   Review Papers

Volume from 10 pages, from 20 to 70 references.

Note: compliance with the minimum requirements for the number of references is qualifying for review articles. 

2.3   Short Communication Articles

Volume up to 5 pages, not more than 3 figures or tables, from 7 to 15 references.

3 Metadata

3.1 Title of the article

The size of the title should be from 3 to 15 words (not including prepositions). The title of the article should be, first of all, brief and informative. The ideal title should be "a combination of the fewest words that adequately describe the content of the article."

3.2   List of Authors

For each author specify

  • last name;
  • name;
  • patronymic;
  • affiliation.

The ordering of the names of authors is determined by their joint decision.

To indicate the author's affiliation, the organization’s number in the list of affiliations is used, which is given in the form of a superscript immediately after the surname.

Additionally, the corresponding author is noted by a special superscript.

For the corresponding author it is specified:

  • the official postal address of the organization, which is indicated in the affiliations list;
  • personal e-mail for correspondence.

3.3   Affiliation

Several affiliations may be used by one author.

The affiliation information is given in a compact form:

  • name of the organization;
  • city;
  • country.

For additional details see the author information section below.

3.4   Abstract

Volume from 150 to 250 words; references to sources are not allowed in the text of the abstract and abbreviations (other than the well-known) should be avoided.

3.5   Key words

It is recommended to specify from 3 to 7 keywords or word combinations consisting of not more than 3 words each.

If an important word for the search of the article is already present in its title, it is not wise to include it in the list of keywords.

3.6   Acknowledgments

This section may include:

1) information on the sources of research funding;
2) formal expression of gratitude to persons who participated in the study, but whose contribution does not meet the authorship criteria;
3) informal gratitude to persons who assisted in the work on the article.

A formal expression of gratitude should be accompanied by an accurate description of the contribution  on the study of the person mentioned in the work.

The editorial team does not allow expression of gratitude to the reviewers, even if their comments helped to significantly improve the article.

3.7   Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

This section provides information on existing conflicts of interest or declares their absence.

 3.8   References

The editorial team of the CTE journal considers it inappropriate to include the following types of sources in the list of references:

  • links to websites of software companies;
  • manuals on software products or hardware.

If necessary, links to such documents are given in the form of footnotes.

Quotations from classical texts or statements by authoritative specialists, designed to illustrate the author's idea, are also written as footnotes.

The editorial team of the CTE journal recommends that you avoid (except in exceptional cases) the inclusion in the list of references of any anonymous sources, such as:

  • legislative acts;
  • state standards or standards of organizations;
  • non signed editorials;
  • anonymous posts on internet forums.

References to such sources may be presented as footnotes.

The editorial team of the CTE journal does not object to the presence in the list of references of citations to:

  • preprints of unpublished articles (if they are placed in public repositories and properly formatted);
  • references to personal communication with the authors of unpublished materials (provided the responsible editor receives a written confirmation of the consent to publication by the person to whom the reference is made).

It is mandatory to specify the DOI (digital object ID) for all sources to which it has been assigned.

3.9   Information about authors

The section contains information that the author considers necessary to divulge about himself.

The section contains:

  • surname, first name and patronymic (required);
  • scientific degree (optional);
  • scientific title (optional);
  • identifier ORCID (the editorial team strongly recommends this option);
  • short scientific biography (optional);
  • area of scientific interests, up to 15 words (optional);
  • name of the organization (organizations) indicated in the affiliation, with the disclosure of details (institute, school, department) which the author deems necessary to cite;
  • e-mail for each author (required).

The personal identifier ORCID provides contributor identification (in research and academic publishing) among other scientists, especially among those with the same last name. If the authors are not yet registered in the ORCID system, this can be done on the site (registration is free and does not take much time, there is a Russian interface on the site).

4. Text of the article

4.1   Rubrication

The editorial team recommends to structure the text of the manuscript using the numbered headings for sections and subsections. Allowed up to 4 levels of nesting for the subheadings. For the convenience of readers, the headings of subsections should be as short as possible - they will be used as "bookmarks" in the * .pdf version of the article. The introduction is numbered as the first section, the conclusion (if any) is also numbered.

4.2   Introduction

The editorial team of CTE considers it necessary to include in the introduction of an original scientific article four mandatory subsections:

  • scientific context - a description of the problem with which the study is related;
  • review of the literature;
  • rationale for the necessity of the research: a description of what has not been done by other researchers (establishing a research gap);
  • statement of the purpose of the research.

4.3   Drawings

All images should be provided as separate files, whose name should correspond to the number assigned to the picture in the text of the article.

Vector graphics (charts, diagrams, graphics) must be done in a vector editor (for example, CorelDraw or Inkscape) and saved in the formats * .cdr, * .swg, * .eps, * .wmf.

It is allowed to provide diagrams and graphs generated by application programs (MS Excel, Mathcad, etc.) and saved as raster images (bitmaps).

Screenshots of programs are saved as .bmp.

Bitmap images are provided as * .png, * .jpg, * .tif.

All images in the text should be numbered and accompanied by titles (captions) of the form:  “Fig. 1 Name of the image” -  The editorial team recommends to avoid, whenever possible, large inscriptions in the figures, replacing them with letter designations, the meaning of which is explained in the captions.

4.4   Tables

All tables in the text should be numbered and accompanied by short headings of the form: “Tab. 1 Name of the table” (the point is placed after the number of the table, and not at the end of the title). The title is placed above the table. Explanations to the table are made in the form of notes (footnotes), and not a subhead. Each column of the table must have a header.

5. Article requirements for the initial submission

At the initial submission of the manuscript the author sends to the journal a file with the text (in any text format). At this stage, readability is the only text formatting requirement.

The text must necessarily contain the following items (metadata):

  1. Article title.
  2. Summary.
  3. Key words.
  4. Information about the authors with indication of affiliation, e-mail addresses, other informations at will.
  5. List of references.
  6. Information about possible conflicts of interest, sponsorship, acknowledgements (if any).