Application of Machine Learning Methods in the Task of Identifying User Accounts in Two Social Networks

  • Anastasiya A. Korepanova Saint Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 39, 14 Line, 199178, Saint Petersburg, Russia
  • Valerii D. Oliseenko Saint Petersburg State University, 28 Universitetskiy pr., Stary Peterhof, 198504, Saint Petersburg, Russia
  • Maxim V. Abramov Saint Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 39, 14 Line, 199178, Saint Petersburg, Russia
  • Alexander L. Tulupyev Saint Petersburg State University, 28 Universitetskiy pr., Stary Peterhof, 198504, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: social networks, user identification, social engineering attacks, machine learning, information security, user protection, user vulnerability profile


The article describes the approach to solving the problem of comparing user profiles of different social networks and identifying those that belong to one person. An appropriate method is proposed based on a comparison of the social environment and the values of account profile attributes in two different social networks. The results of applying various machine learning models to solving this problem are compared. The novelty of the approach lies in the proposed new combination of various methods and application to
new social networks. The practical significance of the study is to automate the process of determining the ownership of profiles in various social networks to one user. These results can be applied in the task of constructing a meta-profile of a user of an information system for the subsequent construction of a profile of his vulnerabilities, as well as in other studies devoted to social networks.

Author Biographies

Anastasiya A. Korepanova, Saint Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 39, 14 Line, 199178, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Junior researcher, Laboratory of Theoretical and Interdisciplinary
Problems of Informatics, SPIIRAS; student, SPbU,

Valerii D. Oliseenko, Saint Petersburg State University, 28 Universitetskiy pr., Stary Peterhof, 198504, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Student, SPbU; Intern, Laboratory of Theoretical and Interdisciplinary Problems of Informatics, SPIIRAS,

Maxim V. Abramov, Saint Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 39, 14 Line, 199178, Saint Petersburg, Russia

PhD, Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Theoretical and Interdisciplinary
Problems of Informatics, SPIIRAS; Associate Professor, Computer Science Department, SPbU,

Alexander L. Tulupyev, Saint Petersburg State University, 28 Universitetskiy pr., Stary Peterhof, 198504, Saint Petersburg, Russia

PhD, Dc. Sci., Professor, Computer Science Department, SPbU; Principal
Researcher, Laboratory of Theoretical and Interdisciplinary Problems of Informatics, SPIIRAS,


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How to Cite
Korepanova, A. A., Oliseenko, V. D., Abramov, M. V., & Tulupyev, A. L. (2019). Application of Machine Learning Methods in the Task of Identifying User Accounts in Two Social Networks. Computer Tools in Education, (3), 29-43.
Algorithmic mathematics and mathematical modelling