Description of the descriptor of the categorization of images taking into account geometric structures in all colors

  • Александр Федорович Ляхов Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod
  • Егор Игорьевич Чнегов Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod
Keywords: descriptor, pattern recognition, image classification.


A new original handle is proposed to allow for categorization, both static images and video streams. The handle takes into account the color gamut of the image and the geometric structure for all colors, that is, the fractalness of the image. Compares the efficiency of the descriptor with the description of the handles in the literature.

Author Biographies

Александр Федорович Ляхов, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod

Alexander F. Lyakhov: Associate Professor, Lobachevsky University, Institute of Information Technologies, Mathematics and Mechanics Department of Theoretical, Computer, Experimental Mechanics; 603062 N.Nizhniy Novgorod, Autumn passage, 10б

Егор Игорьевич Чнегов, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod

Yegor I. Chnegov: undergraduate, Lobachevsky University, Institute of Information Technologies, Mathematics and Mechanics Department of Theoretical, Computer, Experimental Mechanics,


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How to Cite
Ляхов, А. Ф., & Чнегов, Е. И. (2018). Description of the descriptor of the categorization of images taking into account geometric structures in all colors. Computer Tools in Education, (6), 31-43. Retrieved from
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