Preparation of Skippers Using Software with a Function for Planning and Execution of the Transition

  • Андрей Олегович Климовский St. Petersburg state marine technical university
  • Владимир Александрович Рыжов St. Petersburg state marine technical university
Keywords: подготовка судоводителей, планирование и исполнение перехода, безопасное плавание, имитационное моделирование, оптимизация перехода, генетические алгоритмы


This article considers the approach of training skippers based on the usage of software with a function for voyage planning and voyage execution. Due to the fact that the team’s actions on the ship’s bridge may be well systematized, an approach is proposed for building a voyage planner tool using finite state automata. The voyage planner tool can be built as a sequence of steps (wizard) to provide a higher level of organization of the day to day work onboard. This work describes in detail the voyage planning and voyage execution phases. Emphasis is placed on the ship simulation modeling with predefined set of conditions: ship type, ship loading, weather conditions and route. Moreover, the complex problem of optimizing financial costs is examined both at the stage of planning the routes of ships, and at the stage of execution of the transitions in real weather conditions.

Author Biographies

Андрей Олегович Климовский, St. Petersburg state marine technical university

Klimovskiy Andrey Olegovich: Solutions Architect, Applied Math and Math Modeling Department, SMTU,

Владимир Александрович Рыжов, St. Petersburg state marine technical university

Ryzhov Vladimir Alexandrovich: Professor, Applied Math and Math Modeling Department, SMTU; 190121, St. Petersburg, Lotsmanskaya str., 3,


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How to Cite
Климовский, А. О., & Рыжов, В. А. (2018). Preparation of Skippers Using Software with a Function for Planning and Execution of the Transition. Computer Tools in Education, (6), 44-53. Retrieved from
Computers in the teaching process