Sharing code
A group of people must find out a secret code by analyzing a table available to all. Each participant knows his line in the table and one word from the code. A participant is allowed to announce to all others only one of two messages — s/he knows the code or does not know it. The article describes an algorithm allowing the construction of the table, with the help of which, after a few exchanges of messages, all participants will recognize the code.
Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
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2. Menezes A. J., Van Oorschot P. C., Vanstone S. A. Handbook of Applied Cryptography. CRC Press, 1996.
3. Щербаков А. Ю. Современная компьютерная безопасность. Теоретические основы. Практиче-
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4. Пременко Э. А. Алгебраически основа криптографии. М.: Либерком, 2014.
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How to Cite
Коточигов, А. М., Левицкий, Д. В., & Носова, О. А. (2017). Sharing code. Computer Tools in Education, (5), 5-11. Retrieved from
Computer science
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