One More Method for Minimization of Finite Automata

  • Борис Константинович Мартыненко SPbSU, St. Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: finite automaton, state diagram, indistinguishable states, Hopkroft’s algorithm


An algorithm for minimizing the number of states of the well-formed deterministic finite automaton is described. It is based on the use of equivalence classes on the relation of the indistinguishability of string sets accepted by the automaton. A comparison is made with the well-known algorithm of J.E. Hopcroft, which constructs the classes of equivalent states on the property of the distinguishability of input strings accepted in the corresponding states.

Author Biography

Борис Константинович Мартыненко, SPbSU, St. Petersburg, Russia

Boris K. Martynenko: Professor of Computer Sciences at Math.-Math. department of SPbSU, Universitetsky prospekt, 28, 198504, Saint Petersburg, Russia


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How to Cite
Мартыненко, Б. К. (2017). One More Method for Minimization of Finite Automata. Computer Tools in Education, (1), 5-14. Retrieved from
Computer science