Informational Chat-bot for Students and Teachers Based on VK and MOODLE

  • Alexey Bulaev УлГУ
  • Alexander Zhidkov Ульяновский государственный университет, ул. Льва Толстого, 42, 432017, Ульяновск, Россия


This article presents the implementation of a chatbot for interacting with the Moodle learning system at the teacher-student level using the VK social network. An algorithm for connecting a chatbot to Moodle and VK, a physical model of the chatbot database are proposed. The user roles of the chatbot "administrator" and "student" with their corresponding functions, use-case diagrams and a deployment diagram have been developed. An example of the implementation of a chatbot in Python is given, its interfaces are presented.


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How to Cite
Bulaev, A., & Zhidkov, A. (2022). Informational Chat-bot for Students and Teachers Based on VK and MOODLE. Computer Tools in Education, (2), 97-110.
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