Principles of Team-formation for a Programming Contest
The issue of organizing and training a team for participating in collegiate programming contests has been considered. The principles of team-formation, along with the role of each member, based on psychological intellection features and competency level, have been developed. The classification of intellection types was chosen based on typical or non-typical problems and operational intellection procedures. Often in programming contests there are problems that can be reduced to the knapsack problem. Given in the paper is a system of exercises that can be reduced to the knapsack problem. The exercises have been arranged in order of ascending complexity. First, the unlimited knapsack problem and different algorithms for solving it are considered. For the special case of this task, when the value of the item is equal to its weight, the algorithm and its various implementations are presented. The developed training system and the team-formation principles allowed to achieve great result, pagebreak in particular, to go through the internal qualifying stages and adequately perform in the International Collegiate Programming Contest, which confirms the effectiveness of the proposed methods.
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