Research Based on Cabri 3D Software: Polyhedra Features and Regular Billiard Trajectories

  • Хайнц Шуман University of Education Weingarten, Weingarten, Germany
Keywords: spacial convex polygons, spcial billards, Cabri 3D, dynamic spatial geometry systems


The usage of dynamic spatial geometry systems (DSGS) opens new opportunities for teachers, schoolchildren and students in studying topics related to spatial geometric figures. The DSGS programs, are prototypes of Cabri 3D, whose potential is fully used in studying the properties of polyhedra. One of these topics is the billiards in convex polyhedra. The study of special billiards in the cube and its generalizations are not included in the school program. The same can be said about inscribed spatial polygons of minimal perimeter that are used to define special convex hexahedra. Heuristic methods support experimental work with DSGS. Proofs of discovered assertions will be given in subsequent papers.

Author Biography

Хайнц Шуман, University of Education Weingarten, Weingarten, Germany

Heinz Schumann, Prof., University of Education Weingarten, Kirchplatz 2 D-88250 Weingarten,


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9. Links: (дата обращения: 12.05.17).
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How to Cite
Шуман, Х. (2017). Research Based on Cabri 3D Software: Polyhedra Features and Regular Billiard Trajectories. Computer Tools in Education, (3), 38 - 50. Retrieved from
Computers in the teaching process