Implementation of the indoor navigation algorithm based on bluetooth low energy 4.0. technology
mobile technology, wireless technology, navigation algorythms, artificial neural network
Some of the indoor-navigation implementational wireless models are described in this article. Algorythms, based on basic models, are proposed. Based on data from the beacons the impact of other wireless connections is analyzed.
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2. Гущин А.А. Использование беспроводных сетей при построении гибридного сервиса геолокации // Молодой ученый, 2013. № 4. С. 55–57.
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4. Evennou F., Marx F. Advanced Integration of WiFi and Inertial Navigation Systems for Indoor Mobile Positioning // EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, 2006. № 17. P. 1–11.
5. Esmond Mok, Bernard K.S., Cheung. An Improved Neural Network Training Algorithm for Wi-Fi Fingerprinting Positioning // ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf., 2013. № 2. P. 854-868.
6. Battiti R., Nhat, T., Villani A. Location-Aware Computing: A Neural Network Model for Determining Location in Wireless LANs; Technical Report DIT-02-083; University of Trento, Trento, Italy, 2002.
How to Cite
Овсянников, А. А., & Новиков, П. А. (2015). Implementation of the indoor navigation algorithm based on bluetooth low energy 4.0. technology. Computer Tools in Education, (4), 37-51. Retrieved from
Informational systems
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