Numerical experiment of computational capabilities of modern chat-bots in solving problems in mathematical analysis and computational mathematics
The paper describes a numerical experiment on calculation of mathematical problems by chatbots (Yandex GPT 2, ChatGPT 3.5, Gemini, Copilot) on some topics of mathematical analysis (limits, derivatives, integrals), including 693 problems, and computational mathematics (solution of nonlinear equations, solution of systems of linear equations, interpolation of functions, numerical integration), consisting of 45 problems. The main characteristics of modern virtual assistants are considered. A review of research on the application of artificial intelligence in solving mathematical problems on various tests and data sets is presented. The paper considers the shortcomings manifested in the work of chatbots, analyzes their performance on specific data sets. A comparative analysis of the number of correctly solved problems in the considered systems is carried out. The main problems that can be encountered when solving computational mathematics problems in detail in each of the chatbots are discussed. This study may be of practical interest for researchers, developers, teachers and users who use these virtual assistants in their work. The conducted experiment will allow to better evaluate the effectiveness of the application of the considered systems in the field of mathematics.
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