Method of generating unique variants for mathematical problems

  • Daria Vinokurova Herzen University, 48 Moika river embankment, 191186, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: problem generation, pseudo-random numbers, unique variants, multivariate problems, typical problems


The article poses the problem of creating generators for unique multivariate mathematical problems. Types of methods of obtaining random numbers are considered. A comparative analysis of the standard generator used by developers with the generator providing the possibility to create sets of numbers occurring once among the required range of values is carried out. A specific example is provided that requires the application of unique problem sets and parameters. The examples are accompanied by formulas in general form, listings of the proposed algorithms of functions in JavaScript, a brief verbal description of the result of the functions. Attention is paid to the generation of numbers without zero, to the peculiarities of development, taking into account the choice of the best interval for a wide range of values of generated numbers, excluding the use of loops and reducing risks. The article explains a method of description of the result of generation of numbers in JSON format, which can be used when transferring the obtained sets between different programming languages.

Author Biography

Daria Vinokurova, Herzen University, 48 Moika river embankment, 191186, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Postgraduate, Institute of Computer Science and Technology Education,


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How to Cite
Vinokurova, D. (2024). Method of generating unique variants for mathematical problems . Computer Tools in Education, (1), 71-84.
Computers in the teaching process