System integration and optimization of security in a multilayer virtual network

Keywords: distributed ledger, blockchain, P-BFT, RAFT


In modern distributed systems, especially in the field of blockchain and cloud computing, ensuring reliable and efficient consensus is a critical task. This paper discusses a combined consensus approach based on a combination of P-BFT and RAFT protocols. The purpose of this study is to explore the possibilities of a combined P-BFT and RAFT consensus approach to improve reliability, performance and security in distributed registries and cloud systems. The principles of operation and characteristics of each protocol are explored, as well as their joint use to achieve agreement in a distributed environment. In the course of the work, the advantages and prospects of the combined P-BFT and RAFT approach are analyzed, support for various trust models is considered, as well as the integration of data protection mechanisms to ensure security and privacy. The results of the study suggest that the combined P-BFT and RAFT consensus approach demonstrates high performance and reliability in distributed registries and cloud systems. The proposed approach has prospects for application in various areas where a reliable and secure consensus is required to ensure the efficient operation of distributed systems.

Author Biographies

Shchegoleva Nadezhda, Saint Petersburg State University, 35 Universitetskiy pr., Stary Peterhof, 198504, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Doctor of Sciences (Tech.), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Fundamental Informatics and Distributed Systems, Saint Petersburg State University,

Jasur Kiyamov, Saint Petersburg State University, 35 Universitetskiy pr., Stary Peterhof, 198504, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Assistant of the Department of Computer Modeling and Processor Systems, Saint Petersburg State University,


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How to Cite
Nadezhda, S., & Kiyamov, J. (2023). System integration and optimization of security in a multilayer virtual network. Computer Tools in Education, (3), 28-34.
Informational systems