Development of a Software Platform for Testing Application Solutions Based on Container Virtualization Technolog

Keywords: resource virtualization, computing processes, container, image, software development base, client-server application, Docker-system, Docker Hub


This article analyzes the problem of collecting and storing the program solutions of students that can be directly executed, tested. Container-based virtualization technologies are proposed to solve the problem. Each software development is automatically deployed in one or more isolated docker-containers. The approach has been tested in practice. A software platform for publishing ready-made application solutions has been designed and developed.The platform services allow testing ready-made developments of different level and complexity, analyzing the applied technologies and approaches, evaluating the performance of the used methods and algorithms. The software platform is implemented on the basis of client-server web- application. The problem of deploying and running the portal application stack without additional server hardware and resource-intensive technologies is solved by using hypervisor-based virtualization. The virtual machine for the developed web- application was created on the basis of a software hypervisor. The analysis of resource virtualization types obtained in the framework of the research allows us to draw conclusions about the applicability of the used technologies for solving other practical tasks.

Author Biographies

Olga Polovikova, Altai State University, 61 Lenin Ave., 656049, Barnaul, Russia

Candidate of Sciences (Phys.-Math.), Docent, Altai State University,

Anastasia Manicheva, Altai State University, 61 Lenin Ave., 656049, Barnaul, Russia

Candidate of Sciences (Phys.-Math.), Docent, Altai State University,

Vera Zuravleva, Алтайский государственный университет, пр. Ленина, д. 61, 656049, Барнаул, Россия

Candidate of Sciences (Phys.-Math.), Docent, Altai State University,


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How to Cite
Polovikova, O., Manicheva, A., & Zuravleva, V. (2023). Development of a Software Platform for Testing Application Solutions Based on Container Virtualization Technolog. Computer Tools in Education, (3), 51-59.
Software Engineering