Simulation of Purification Conditions and the Process of Growing Semiconductor Single Crystals by the Zone Melting Method

  • Kirill Suchoruchenkov Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University, 5, building 3, st. Professora Popova, 197376, Saint Petersburg, Russia
  • Evgenia Maraeva Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University, 5, building 3, st. Professora Popova, 197376, Saint Petersburg, Russia
  • Olga Alexandrova Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University, 5, building 3, st. Professora Popova, 197376, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: zone melting method, zone cleaning method, target loading method, impurity distribution, semiconductor single crystal, LabVIEW programming environment


The work is devoted to the creation of a virtual device in the LabVIEW environment, which allows simulating the process of zone melting depending on technological parameters. Methods for cleaning and growing single crystals by slowly moving a narrow melt zone along the length of a polycrystalline ingot of a solid material are considered, as a result of which, due to recrystallization, the impurities dissolved in the ingot are redistributed. The final distribution of impurities depends on their initial distribution, the number and width of the melt zones, and the direction of their movement. The virtual device is intended for use by students and teachers in distance learning and face-to-face mode.

Author Biographies

Kirill Suchoruchenkov, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University, 5, building 3, st. Professora Popova, 197376, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Student of the Department of Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University,

Evgenia Maraeva, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University, 5, building 3, st. Professora Popova, 197376, Saint Petersburg, Russia

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University,

Olga Alexandrova, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University, 5, building 3, st. Professora Popova, 197376, Saint Petersburg, Russia

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University,


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How to Cite
Suchoruchenkov, K., Maraeva, E., & Alexandrova, O. (2022). Simulation of Purification Conditions and the Process of Growing Semiconductor Single Crystals by the Zone Melting Method. Computer Tools in Education, (2), 19-31.
Algorithmic mathematics and mathematical modelling

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