High performance Insights from GPU version CatBoost

  • Vasily Ershov Yandex LLC, 16, Leo Tolstoy Street, 119021, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: catboost, gpu, gbdt, gradient boosting, nvidia, hpc, machine learning


In this paper we discus GPU implementation of open-sourced gradient boosting library CatBoost. This implementations shows the state-of-the-art performance among openly-available libraries and we want to share design insights and used algorithms.

Author Biography

Vasily Ershov, Yandex LLC, 16, Leo Tolstoy Street, 119021, Moscow, Russia

Postgraduate at St. Petersburg State University, Head of Cloud ML Tools in Yandex LLC, noxoomo@yandex-team.ru


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How to Cite
Ershov, V. (2022). High performance Insights from GPU version CatBoost . Computer Tools in Education, (2), 59-73. https://doi.org/10.32603/2071-2340-2022-2-59-73
Software Engineering