Comparison of Different Knowledge Representations for Complex Structured Objects in Solving AI Problems
The problem of knowledge representation for a complex structured object is one of the actual problems of AI. This is due to the fact that many of the objects under study are not a single indivisible object characterized by its properties, but complex structures whose elements have some known properties and are in some, often multiplace, relations with each other.
An approach to the representation of such knowledge based on first-order logic (predicate calculus formulas) is compared in this paper with two currently widespread approaches based on the representation of data information with the use of finite-valued strings or graphs.
It is shown that the use of predicate calculus formulas for description of a complex structured object, despite the NP-difficulty of the solved problems arising after formalization, actually have no greater computational complexity than the other two approaches, what is usually not mentioned by their supporters.
An algorithm for constructing an ontology is proposed that does not depend on the methodof desc ribing an object, and is based on the selection of the maximum common property of objects from a given set.
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