Assessment of the Potential of Scientific Activity Based on Scientometric Indicators
This article deals with issues of assessing the scientific activity of teams of performers when submitting applications to scientific funds. The purpose of the study is to develop new approaches to the use of scientometric indicators to assess the scientific potential of university teams when submitting applications to scientific foundations. Methodological foundations of the research: a systematic approach (considers science as a social institution in an indissoluble connection with society as a whole), a metasystem approach (considers the results of scientific activity as a metasystem, that is, a system with relatively independent components), a probabilistic-statistical approach (considers research activity as a probabilistic process), qualimetric approach (considers the productivity of scientific activity as a latent variable, reflected by a set of criteria). As a result, the authors proposed: an information model of the relationship between the requirements for a scientific project by the customer, and the level of compliance of the scientific potential of the team of performers and a methodology for assessing the scientific potential of the team of performers when applying for the competition. The information model forms the basis of the developed information system for supporting the project activities of ITMO University, which serves to improve the process and increase the efficiency of preparation of draft applications submitted by the university. The proposed methodology is implemented using scientometric indicators, through software algorithms for automated assessment of scientific potential. In the course of an experimental study, the authors have shown that
the proposed approaches correlate with the effectiveness of participation in competitions. The proposed solutions have been successfully integrated into the ITMO University, management system.
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