Search for Young diagrams with large dimensions

Keywords: Young diagram, Young graph, Bratteli-Vershik diagram, Plancherel process, asymptotic combinatorics, irreducible representation, symmetric group


Search for Young diagrams with maximum dimensions or, equivalently, search for irreducible representations of the symmetric group $S(n)$ with maximum dimensions is an important problem of asymptotic combinatorics. In this paper, we propose algorithms that transform a Young diagram into another one of the same size but with a larger dimension. As a result of massive numerical experiments, the sequence of $10^6$ Young diagrams with large dimensions was constructed. Furthermore, the proposed algorithms do not change the first 1000 elements of this sequence. This may indicate that most of them have the maximum dimension. It has been found that the dimensions of all Young diagrams of the resulting sequence starting from the 75778th exceed the dimensions of corresponding diagrams of the greedy Plancherel sequence.

Author Biographies

Vasilii S. Duzhin, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University

assistant of Department of Algorithmic Mathematics, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University,

Anastasia A. Chudnovskaya, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University

bachelor student of Department of Information Systems, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University,


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How to Cite
Duzhin, V. S., & Chudnovskaya, A. A. (2019). Search for Young diagrams with large dimensions. Computer Tools in Education, (4), 33-43.
Algorithmic mathematics and mathematical modelling