Some Decidability and Definability Problems for the Predicate of the Divisibility on Two Consecutive Numbers

  • Mikhail Starchak Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: divisibility on two consecutive numbers, arithmetical definability, existential theory of natural numbers with addition and divisibility, algorithmic decidability, weak arithmetics


The predicate of divisibility on two consecutive numbers DW(x,y) ÷ x | y ∧ 1+x | y was introduced by L. van den Dries and A. Wilkie when they studied some properties of subsets of natural numbers, existentially definable with unit, addition and divisibility. Undecidability of the existential theory of natural numbers with multiplication and DW and definability of addition and multiplication in terms of DWand divisibility is proved in the paper. Then the definability of multiplication in the terms of addition and DW is proved. Some definability questions for order and DW are also considered in the paper.

Author Biography

Mikhail Starchak, Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Mikhail R. Starchak, postgraduate student, department of informatics SPbSU, 199034 Saint Petersburg, University emb., 7/9,


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How to Cite
Starchak, M. (2018). Some Decidability and Definability Problems for the Predicate of the Divisibility on Two Consecutive Numbers. Computer Tools in Education, (6), 5-15.
Computer science