23rd Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra — ACA’2017

  • Василий Сергеевич Дужин Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: review, conference, algebra, computer algebra, computer algebra systems.


The review observes the 23rd Conference on «Applications of Computer Algebra» (ACA'2017, Jerusalem, July 17–21, 2017) where applications of computer algebra in different areas were discussed. The topics of the conference included but were not restricted to the applications of computer algebra in education, topology, differential and difference algebra, dynamic geometry, post-quantum cryptography, applied physics, celestial mechanics, dynamical systems, algorithmic combinatorics, theory of curves, polynomial systems, image processing, graph theory, etc.

Author Biography

Василий Сергеевич Дужин, Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Vasilii S. Duzhin: Programmer, SPbETU

How to Cite
Дужин, В. С. (2017). 23rd Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra — ACA’2017. Computer Tools in Education, (4), 64-68. Retrieved from http://cte.eltech.ru/ojs/index.php/kio/article/view/1505