Application of the MATHPARTNER servise in education

  • Геннадий Иванович Малашонок TSU, Tambov, Russia
Keywords: system of symbolic computations, teaching mathematics, training in exact sciences, modern teaching technologies


The article presents a brief description of the cloud system of symbolic calculations of the MathPartner and the opportunities it provides for improving the educational process in higher education. The use of the GitHub web service for storing lecture texts is described. It is concluded that with the use of MathPartner education in the exact sciences can significantly intensify.

Author Biography

Геннадий Иванович Малашонок, TSU, Tambov, Russia

Gennadi I. Malaschonok, Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Tambov State University; 392000 Tambov, Internatsionalnaya, 33, Tambov State University.


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How to Cite
Малашонок, Г. И. (2017). Application of the MATHPARTNER servise in education. Computer Tools in Education, (3), 29-37. Retrieved from
Computers in the teaching process