On properties of the block-based binarization algorithm of digital images

  • Елена Сергеевна Яковлева SPbSU, St. Petersburg, Russia
  • Антон Александрович Макаров SPbSU, St. Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: digital image, grayscale image, block-based, binarization algorithm, halftoning, distortion measures, gradation curve, printer model


Modern methods of the binarization which are widely used in printing industry by printing for the halftoning process are considered in the article. From the results of binarization grayscale image from the calculations the chosen distortion measures it has been found that binarized image created using block-based halftoning algorithm has the best results, than those results which were obtained by other halftoning algorithms. Also the goal of this work was experiment on printing tone scale and measurement of the reflectance coefficients of the halftones using spectrophotometer. Gradation curves for given printer model were obtained. It is founded, that for the block-based binarization algorithm increasing a contrast is observed, that confirmed by real printing experiment. From the analysis of the properties block-based binarization algorithm was discovered that it can be recommended as a commercial halftoning algorithm.

Author Biographies

Елена Сергеевна Яковлева, SPbSU, St. Petersburg, Russia

Yakovleva E. S.

Антон Александрович Макаров, SPbSU, St. Petersburg, Russia

Makarov A. A.


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How to Cite
Яковлева, Е. С., & Макаров, А. А. (2015). On properties of the block-based binarization algorithm of digital images. Computer Tools in Education, (4), 26-36. Retrieved from http://cte.eltech.ru/ojs/index.php/kio/article/view/1460
Computer science