A Program to Determine the Asymptotic Efficiency of Convolutional Codes
convolutional codes, efficiency, encoder simulation, the probability of error
A program to determine the asymptotic efficiency of convolution codes, simulating the passage of a text message on guided and unguided (radio) transmission medium is considered. The program was designed for the purpose of teaching students the principles of formation and functioning of error correction codes.
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[2] G. I. Nikitin, Svertochnye kody: Ucheb. posobie [Convolutional Codes: Textbook], Saint-Petersburg: SPbGUAP, 2001 (in Russian).
[3] B. Sklar, Tsifrovaya svyaz'. Teoreticheskie osnovy i prakticheskoe primenenie [Digital communication Fundamentals and Application], Moscow, Russia: Williams, 2016 (in Russain).
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[5] S. Bawane and V.V. Gohokar, “Simulation of convolutional encoder,” International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 557–561, Mar. 2014.
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[7] V. M. Vishnevskii, S. L. Portnoi, and I. V. Shakhnovich, Entsiklopediya WiMAX. Put' k 4G [Encyclopedia of WiMAX. The path to 4G], Moscow, Russia: Tekhnosfera, 2009 (in Russian).
[8] J. G. Proakis, Tsifrovaya svyaz' [Digital comunication], D.D. Klovskii ed., Moscow, Russia: Radio i svyaz', 2000 (in Russian).
[9] P. Frenger, P. Orten, and T. Ottosson, “Convolutional codes with Optimum Distance Spectrum,” IEEE Communications letters, vol. 3, no. 11, pp. 317–319, Nov. 1999, doi: 10.1109/4234.803468.
[10] A. A. Gladkikh, Osnovy teorii myagkogo dekodirovaniya izbytochnykh kodov v stirayushchem kanale svyazi [Fundamentals of the theory of soft decoding of redundant codes in an erasure channel], Ul'yanovsk, Russia: UlGTU, 2010 (in Russia).
[11] Dang Kim Ngok, ”Issledovanie metodov poiska optimal'nykh svertochnykh i perforirovannykh svertochnykh kodov” Ph. D. dissertation, Saint-Petersburg, Russia: LETI, 2014 (in Russian).
How to Cite
Чернецова, Е. А. (2017). A Program to Determine the Asymptotic Efficiency of Convolutional Codes. Computer Tools in Education, (1), 30-37. Retrieved from http://cte.eltech.ru/ojs/index.php/kio/article/view/1434
Computers in the teaching process
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