Human behaviour analysis in context of smart environment automation

  • Игорь Павлович Соловьев СПбГУ, Санкт-Петербург, Россия
  • Артем Сергеевич Кириенко SPbSU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia


Basic approaches to the automated control of smart environment problem are considered. A new method of solution based on the information about the signal strength of wireless broadcasting devices (considered as beacons) and the heart rate sensor readings is introduced. The model environment is an apartment with Bluetooth beacons; the inhabitant has a heart rate sensor and a RSSI measuring device. An application collecting beacons RSSI and heart rate measurements during the inhabitant activity in the model environment has been implemented. The application provides the user interface to display current state of devices which are objects of automated control. By using machine learning methods the relation between the collected data and device states is obtained. Thus, an automated smart environment control model has been implemented. The estimation of the accuracy of prediction of the devices preferable state has been obtained.

Author Biographies

Игорь Павлович Соловьев, СПбГУ, Санкт-Петербург, Россия

Igor P. Soloviev: PhD, Associate Professor at Comp. Sci. Dept. of St. Petersburg State University,

Артем Сергеевич Кириенко, SPbSU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Artem S. Kirienko: Postgraduate at the computer science department of St. Petersburg State University; 198504 Saint-Petersburg, Botanicheskaya st., 70, b. 4, r. 717,


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How to Cite
Соловьев, И. П., & Кириенко, А. С. (2017). Human behaviour analysis in context of smart environment automation. Computer Tools in Education, (1), 15-29. Retrieved from
Informational systems