Decision Support Organization in Science and Education on the Example of Project Management System
This paper is dedicated to the problem of enhancing an information expert system, which is responsible for automation of project applications submitted by university workers to various funds, and to the problem of recommendation development for these workers during composition of such applications, including forms. As the input data we considered the database of applications submitted by ITMO University workers. Based on expert evaluation, statistic methods and information modeling, we analyzed a set of grant applications submitted to various scientific funds and considered how keywords in these applications correspond to the chosen GRNTI codes. As a result, we were the first to propose several quantitative parameters for quality estimation of an application based on formalized description of the research topic and classification codes. Experiments show that the proposed estimations correlate positively with the evaluation of funds. Based on developed methods and algorithms, software solutions were proposed which are used to check the validity of GRNTI codes in application forms filled in the “External grant application” subsystem of the ITMO University information and control system. These solutions have been successfully integrated into the ITMO University management system.
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