Several Directions of Computer-Aided Investigations in Combinatorics and Geometry

  • Андрей Михайлович Райгородский MIPT (SU), Mosсow, Russia
Keywords: distance graph, graph of diameters, Ramsey number, chromatic number, Borsuk’s problem


Andrey M. Raigorodskiy: In the paper we present some classical problems of combinatorics, which admit computer-aided solutions. Among these problems, we have Borsuk’s problem on partitioning sets into parts of smaller diameter and problems of Ramsey theory.

Author Biography

Андрей Михайлович Райгородский, MIPT (SU), Mosсow, Russia

Laboratory of advanced combinatorics and network applications: department of discrete mathematics; mechanics and mathematics faculty, department of mathematical statistics and random processes MIPT (SU)


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How to Cite
Райгородский, А. М. (2017). Several Directions of Computer-Aided Investigations in Combinatorics and Geometry. Computer Tools in Education, (3), 25-31. Retrieved from
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