Technology of problems making for supporting of experimental and research activities in the frame of remote competitions
automation of competitions, information technologies in education, learning mathematics and informatics
The article presents the model of tasks in mathematics and informatics intended for constructing a computer support of experimental and research activities of students. This approach was implemented in "Construct, Test, Explore"distant competition. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of results of experiment is given.
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[8] S. Papert , Perevorot v soznanii. Deti, komp'yutery i plodotvornye idei [Mindstorms. Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas], Moscow: Pedagogika, 1989 (in Russian).
[9] A. I. Sgibnev “Eksperimental'naya matematika“ [Experimental mathematics], Mathematics, no. 3, pp. 2–8, 2007 (in Russian).
[10] M. I. Bashmakov, S. N. Pozdnyakov, and N. A. Reznik, Informatsionnaya sreda obucheniya [Information learning environment], St. Petersburg, Russia: SVET, 1997 (in Russian).
[11] S. N. Pozdniakov, " Modelirovanie informatsionnoi sredy kak tekhnologicheskaya osnova obucheniya matematike” [Modelling of the information environment as a technological basis for teaching mathematics], Ph.D. dissertation, IPO RAO, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1998 (in Russian).
[12] A. Maytarattanakhon and I. A. Posov, “Avtomatizatsiya provedeniya distantsionnykh sorevnovanii, osnovannykh na issledovatel'skikh syuzhetakh po matematike i informatike” [Automation of remote events, based on the research subjects in mathematics and computer science], Computer tools in education, no. 6, pp. 45‒51, 2014 (in Russian).
[13] A. Maytarattanakhon “Provedenie konkursa “Konstruirui, issledui, optimizirui” v Tailande” [The contest "designs, explore, optimize" in Thailand] In XIX Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-metodicheskaya konferentsiya “Sovremennoe obrazovanie: soderzhanie, tekhnologii, kachestvo” St. Petersburg, Russia: LETI, 2013, pp. 239–241 (in Russian).
[14] V. A. Akimushkin and A. Maytarattanakhon, “Tekhnologii avtomatizatsii i raboty s issledovatel'skimi zadachami na primere zadachi Chasy-kalendar'” [IT automation tasks with research on the example of the problem "Clock calendar"], Izvestiya SPbGETU LETI, no. 4, pp. 34–42, 2014 (in Russian).
[15] B. Rozenfel'd, “Otkuda proizoshli nazvaniya zvezd i sozvezdii” [Where did the names of the stars and constellations], Kvant, no. 10, pp.32‒36, 1970 (in Russian).
How to Cite
Майтараттанакон, А. (2016). Technology of problems making for supporting of experimental and research activities in the frame of remote competitions. Computer Tools in Education, (1), 48-60. Retrieved from
Computers in the teaching process
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