For CAM authors

Before submitting a manuscript, the author should read the following documents:

Requirements for the manuscripts
Procedure of submission and review
CTE guidelines on publication Ethics
Article template in TeX (file kioj2.sty)
Examples of the preparation of articles

The editorial team of the Journal is interested in attracting authors who are able to offer high-quality materials.

The main sections of the journal:

1. Computers in the teaching process.
2. Informatics and Algorithmic Mathematics.
3. Unsolved Problems for Young Scientists.
4. Software Engineering.
5. Informational systems.
6. Training of specialits: studying programms.
7. Computer science.

Advantages for the authors of the Journal CAM

  • the editorial team does not require payment for the publication of articles and does not provide the authors with any additional paid services;
  • the editorial team does not require that submitted manuscripts be formatted in accordance with our requirements - formatting can be performed after the publication decision has been taken (thus saving authors’ time in case of refusal);
  • the editorial team seeks to ensure a prompt assessment of the manuscripts, provided this does not compromise the quality of the review. We have developed a procedure for manuscript submission, review and publication, designed to fairly balance the interests of the editorial team, of the authors and of the reviewers;
  • the editorial team guarantees an objective and qualitative review of manuscripts by independent reviewers. We recommend that authors get acquainted with our Peer Review Process.

Publication ethics

The CTE editorial team seeks to follow high standards of publication ethics. We recommend that authors get acquainted in advance with our Guidelines on Publication Ethics and make sure that they are ready to assume the corresponding responsibilities.

Policy on Copyright and Archiving

In the process of submitting an article, the author must confirm that the article was not previously published, is not under consideration and was not accepted for publication (in a similar or revised form) in another scientific journal. 

The author hands over the manuscript to the publisher on the basis of the author's agreement on the transfer of rights to use the work. During the process of submitting the manuscript, the authors are invited to familiarize themselves with the contract and accept its terms. The fact that the author submitted the manuscript is a confirmation (acceptance) of the terms of the contract.

Authors retain the non-exclusive rights to re-publish materials previously published in the journal CTE, when publishing a book or a dissertation research with a mandatory reference to the primary publication.

The Journal CTE is interested in the wide availability of published materials, since this promotes the spread of scientific knowledge.

The Journal CTE publishes all materials under the Creative Commons license "Attribution" 4.0 international (CC-BY-4.0). This means that all published materials can be freely used, distributed, copied and modified without requesting additional permissions from the editorial board or the author, by observing a single condition  — correct indication of authorship and primary publication. Before uploading the article, the author must get acquainted with and accept the terms of  the transfer of rights to use the work.

The Journal CTE does not object to the authors publishing preprints or post-prints of articles in public repositories or on personal websites. We recommend that authors use the arXiv repository.

Authors may store and distribute a copy of the article both before and after its publication. Nevertheless, we recommend that authors begin distributing copies of the article after the publication in the jpurnal, since before its release the article does not have a number of mandatory metadata that increase its citation.

Procedure for manuscript submission

The manuscript of the article is sent to the journal via the "electronic editor". To send a manuscript, the author must register on the site. Then one must use the "send material" button on the right side of the screen, or one must go to one’s personal area.

At the initial submission of the manuscript the author sends to the journal a text file (in any text format). At this stage, the only text formatting requirement is readability.

The text must necessarily contain the following items (metadata):

  1. Title of the article.
  2. Abstract.
  3. Keywords.
  4. Information about the authors with indication of affiliation, e-mail addresses, and other information at will.
  5. List of sources.
  6. Information about possible conflicts of interest, sponsorship, acknowledgements (if any).

The above information will also be requested by the system when the article is uploaded.

If the manuscript successfully passes the review process and is accepted for publication, its final version should be brought into compliance with the manuscript requirements and be translated into LaTeX using template.

Author’s royalties for manuscripts are not paid.